Saturday, September 6, 2008

Photomopped world
cropped hearts, trimmed feelings.
dry tears, rippled cheeks.
black blood, red eyes.
cutout words, smudged meanings.
raised eyebrows, suppressed smiles.
lasso garlands, cut throats.
dodged skin, burnt shadows.
sponged lips, tasteless kisses.
99% exposure, 9% revealing.
saturated spaces, halftone memories.
stroking fingers, liquified noises.
extract love, invert skirts.
feather light phones, heavy roses.
flattened bellies, quick masked faces.
layered promises, ctrl+z.
free path selection, erased goals.
auto select cream, distort perspectives.
mirrored mirrors, virtual races.
channeled muck, blurred steps.
magic wands, brushed dreams.
diffused auras, solarized asses.
merged sexes, custom shaped edges.
cloned mothers, fragmented fathers.
grades of grain, sheared tongues.
rotate canvas, land on moon.
skewed icecaps, green only in patches.
merged noises, pixelated music.
plastic wrap mouths, blame strawberries.
hyphenated characters, always half hidden.
rulers divide, then align to grid.
show bounding box, think now.
control 'see', control 'we'.
don't fade, purge all.

pink piss, pink sweat.
at least the sweat doesn't taste sweet still, hopes rendered.

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